Stephen Colbert Gives South Carolina Teachers a BIG Gift

Photo: Jim Smeal/BEImages.
Stephen Colbert may be busy getting ready to take over David Letterman's spot on late night TV, but he had enough time to make a big donation to teachers in his home state of South Carolina this week. Colbert announced Thursday that he would personally fund all $800,000 worth of existing requests on the teacher crowdfunding site Donors Choose. The money will help more than 800 teachers fund more than 1,000 projects at more than 375 schools, the Greenville News reported. The money comes from proceeds of selling off pieces of the Colbert Report set and matching funds from The Morgridge Family Foundation's Share Fair Nation and Scan Source, Colbert said when he unveiled the gifts via video feed at a Greenville elementary school. While it would be better for South Carolina students if the public school system didn't leave it to teachers to fundraise for things like library books, whiteboards, and pencils, Colbert's donation will help thousands of kids in one of country's poorest states.  "Enjoy your learning, South Carolina," he said. On September 8, Colbert takes over The Late Show  desk — hopefully his long history of charitable giving continues. 

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