Sheryl Sandberg Has A Simple Request For Honoring Her Late Husband Dave Goldberg

Photo: Rex/REX USA.
Sheryl Sandberg has already paid her emotional tribute to her late husband, Survey Monkey CEO Dave Goldberg. Now she's sharing how others reeling from Goldberg's sudden death on May 1 can honor his memory. The Facebook exec and Lean In author shared her thoughts on a Quora forum titled "How can we express our sympathy to Sheryl Sandberg after her husband's tragic death?" Her response revealed a sweet family tradition Goldberg held dear.  "I am so grateful for all of the people who have expressed sympathy and reached out," Sandberg wrote. "This is a generous and kind question and I am touched someone asked it. "For those who knew Dave, we are asking them to post memories and pictures of him on Facebook. They will live forever and our entire family will be able to read them all over time. "One friend also told me that he canceled a planned work dinner last night to have dinner with his kids instead. We always went around the table and each of us said our best and worst of the day. The family rule is that you have to have a best but a worst is optional. I think there is no better way for any man or woman to honor the memory of my beloved husband." Family dinner it is. 

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