This Silicon Valley Man Lived In His Office For 150 Days

Photographed by Michelle Drewes.

It seems
like the over-the-top rental market has everyone taking desperate measures
these days. And while we didn’t think it got much worse than living in a shed, sadly, it does.

According to
SF Gate, one Silicon Valley attorney bunkered down in his office for over 150
days to cut back on commuting costs and save enough money for an apartment. (He was offered a temporary
position out of law school which didn’t pay much, and lived in Antioch, which
is about an hour away from Silicon Valley.)

So, how did he pull it off? He worked late nights, curled up under his desk after the room cleared, dined on microwaved food, and headed to a local gym for his daily showers. How's that for dedication?

While it may sound it extreme, this isn't unheard of. A Los Angeles man recently spent over 500 days living in his
cubicle to combat personal financial woes. He actually
ended up being more productive at work and happier in the process.

Luckily, there is a happy ending for the Silicon Valley man. After four months, he was able to save about $12,000, received a permanent position at the firm, and finally landed an
apartment in Santa Clara. Win-win!