Woman Removes Her Face On YouTube & Everyone Sees It Differently

This latest makeup video to go viral is like a Rorschach test for the Internet. With nearly 7 million views and rising, it features a Korean woman in normal, not-too-elaborate-seeming makeup, looking at her camera as she wipes off half of her "face." You could take a cue from the peppy pop song playing that this is simply a girl having fun showing off her makeup skills. By the time she takes off the brow pencil, eyeliner and mascara from one side of her face, that eye looks about a third of the size of her other one. She is good at this! Some jaundiced, sexist commenters on YouTube (is there any other kind?) take this as an example of how WOMEN LIE with makeup. How dare we represent our features as something other than those with which we were born! Next thing you know, we'll be wearing clothing to fool men into thinking we were born with cotton fabric attached to our god-given skin. There's also the faction criticizing the girl for trying (and succeeding) to make her eyes look bigger, a.k.a. non-Asian. Except her makeup doesn't appear to be erasing her features at all but exaggerating them in a totally cute way. Our take: We need this amazing makeup remover, like, yesterday. Look at how she uses just one cotton pad to wipe it all off, without being a smeared, squinting through chemicals mess. Someone on Youtube identified it as a product from The Face Shop, a Korean line available worldwide, called Face It White Lip and Eye Remover Waterproof. Is she possibly being paid for this? It was well-earned, lady!

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