Mickey Drexler is kind of like the voice of god when it comes to his massive fashion business — a little brand known as J.Crew. And, we don’t mean that in an all-powerful-ruler kind of way. For his thousands upon thousands of employees, Drexler's disembodied voice fills the company’s sound system, giving out daily affirmations. Last night, Drexler was given the Founder's Award by the CFDA, and this video showing his booming communiqués accompanied the presentation.
In this small peek at the inner workings of J.Crew (and Madewell) the award-winning leader is seen cycling through headquarters, seeking feedback over the company's intercom system, and explaining exactly why he's been able to lead a brand that's had such long-standing success. Shpilkes, the Yiddish term that means you have ants in your pants, has a lot to do with it, he states. At the very least, that restless feeling would certainly explain how much Drexler moves around to store loctions thoughout his work week, how often the brand introduces new styles, and why this CEO's preferred mode of transporation is the kind with two wheels.