Hope Solo Domestic Violence Arrest Details Emerge During World Cup

Photo: MediaPunch Inc/REX USA
As the USA prepares to play Australia in the FIFA Women's World Cup tomorrow, shocking new details from goalie Hope Solo's domestic violence arrest in Seattle last June are taking center stage. According to police reports obtained by ESPN, the soccer star was extremely combative while being arrested, at one point screaming belligerently at the arresting officer: "You're such a b----. You're scared of me because you know that if the handcuffs were off, I'd kick your ass." Initially charged with allegedly punching both her sister and teenage nephew in the face, Solo pled not guilty and her case was eventually dismissed. Just weeks later, she made an appearance on Good Morning America and told host Robin Roberts that her nephew was the aggressor. But these newly found police documents may beg to differ, and the case, which was dismissed by Kirkland Municipal Court on procedural grounds, may warrant a re-opening. Prosecutors have filed an appeal with the Superior Court of Washington. ESPN reports that Solo "repeatedly hurled insults at the officers processing her arrest, suggesting that two jailers were having sex and calling another officer a '14-year-old boy.' " At one point, after an officer asked Solo to remove a necklace, she allegedly yelled at him that the necklace "was worth more than he makes in a year." Earlier this year, U.S. Soccer suspended Solo for 30 days after she became belligerent with police when her husband was pulled over for a DUI. Solo has declined multiple interview requests on the subject, telling reporters at a recent press conference promoting the World Cup that she was uninterested in addressing the subject. Her attorney has responded to questions regarding his client's behavior and the newly surfaced documents. "Police reports and other court documents clearly demonstrate that the alleged victims radically changed their stories on multiple occasions and twice refused to answer questions under oath, despite court orders. Had the case proceeded to trial and the witnesses been cross-examined under oath subject to the penalty of perjury, the defense would have proven that Teresa's son, not Hope, was the true aggressor, and that Hope suffered a concussion as a result of her nephew's unlawful conduct." Two sides and two wildly different tales. Whatever the truth may be, we're betting we haven't heard the last of this sad family story.

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