Good Morning America Accidentally Tweets Saddest Disney GIF Of All Time

Sure, Mondays aren’t our favorites. No matter how much you love your job, the back-to-work blues are certainly a real thing. But they just don’t compare to a child finding his dead father in a beloved kids movie, Good Morning America. Oh yes, you read that right: Earlier today, the morning show posted a GIF from The Lion King showing young cub Simba coming up to and nuzzling against his now-late father, Mufasa, in one of the saddest moments from an animated film since Bambi lost his mother, The Verge reports. (For those few who haven’t seen The Lion King that think we might just be exaggerating the moment a wee bit, we offer you evidence of its truly heartbreaking power in the form of one little girl, who’s poignant reaction to the tragedy was watched on Twitter hundreds of thousands of times. She. Just. Can’t. Handle. It. And we don’t blame her.) The GIF, which was originally posted by GMA at 7:30 am EST, has since been smartly pulled down, but you can still see it for yourself over on The Verge should you be in need of a good cry. For everyone else, we offer you these 11 adorable animal photos as a bit of a palate cleanser, if you will. They’re more of our Monday-morning-speed, thank you very much.

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