Pistorius To Walk Free After Serving Just 10 Months For Killing Girlfriend

Photo: Herman Verwey/Foto24/Gallo Images/Getty Images.
A South African parole board is set to recommend that famed runner Oscar Pistorius be released from prison after 10 months — just one-sixth of his five-year sentence for killing his girlfriend — CNN reports. The Associated Press adds that he will be placed under house arrest, conditions that haven't been made public. Pistorius, who became known by the nickname "Blade Runner" because of the prosthetics the double-amputee wore to race, shot his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp on the night of Valentine's Day 2013. He was not charged with murder but was convicted of "culpable homicide," which is similar to manslaughter in the U.S. In court, he claimed to have thought Steenkamp was an intruder, but neighbors said that they heard fighting on the night of the killing. Coverage of the trial this March described Pistorius to be paranoid, angry, gun-loving, and prone to violent outbursts.
In light of the board's decision, Steenkamp's parents released a statement saying that, while they had forgiven Oscar, they believed he should stay in prison. "Incarceration of 10 months for taking a life is simply not enough," they wrote. The prosecution is still appealing the murder charge, which will be heard in November. But, 10 months will be up on August 21 of this year, which means that's the day Pistorius could walk free.

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