Heroic Service Dog Jumps Into Traffic To Save Owner

Photographed by Molly Cranna.
If any dog ever deserved a medal, Figo the service dog would be the one. The 8-year-old golden retriever was walking with his owner the morning of June 8 in Brewster, NY, when he saw a mini school bus heading straight for his owner — and hurled himself at the bus. "I gave him the command to cross the street," owner Audrey Stone told The Journal News. "I said, 'Forward.' And, we were in the middle of the street and it happened so quickly, but people said he just jumped at the bus." Stone, who has limited vision, is recovering from three broken ribs, a broken ankle, and elbow. Figo reportedly lost most of the flesh off his front paw, but while at the accident scene, continued to try to make his way to his owner. "I remember seeing him and his paw was hanging like a wet dish rag," Stone said. "I remember Figo standing there looking at me, trying to get close to me, but he didn't know what to do because he knew I was hurt." Stone is in stable condition and Figo underwent surgery yesterday. According to The Journal News, he's on the mend with his leg in a sling. "The dog took a lot of the blow," Brewster Police Chief John Del Gardo said. Luckily, both Figo and his owner are recovering. "I'd have been heart-wrenched if he got killed," Stone said. Head over to The Journal News for photos and the full story.

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