The Terrifying Girl From The Ring Is All Grown Up

This story was originally published on March 24, 2015. Photos of adult Daveigh Chase are all over the web today, probably because we're all still terrified by her original broken-doll-lurching-from-the-well-then-the-TV to kill you performance.

Remember The Ring? Of course you do. It's that movie that gave you nightmares for months and made you absolutely terrified of VCRs. The fact that watching a videotape could make a nightgown-clad girl climb out of your television and bring about your death was really the final nail in the coffin for the technology. We know what VCRs and videotapes are up to these days: Replaced by DVR and streaming services. What's that creepy, skulking girl up to, though? Don't worry, you're about to find out. First, here's a visual for comparison.
Screaming yet?
Daveigh Chase, who played Samara Morgan in The Ring, is now 24 years old. BuzzFeed unearthed her Instagram profile, where she chronicles her sun-drenched California life. It appears to be free of deathly videotapes, which is a win for everyone, really. According to IMDb, Chase has been acting for most of her life. She played Samantha Darko in Donnie Darko, voiced Lilo in Lilo & Stitch, and had an arc on Big Love. For a short while, Chase chronicled her life on a Tumblr called "Who the Fuck Is Daveigh?," but she seems to have let it idle.

A photo posted by Daveigh (@daveighc) on

Either way, Daveigh Chase has come a long way from her time as an omen of death in The Ring. She does still appear to keep in touch with her ominous roots. Hello, black cat.

A photo posted by Daveigh (@daveighc) on

Sorry about those nightmares, though. (BuzzFeed)

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