Robert Pattinson Is Nearly Unrecognizable In New Film

First things first: A new O.G. girlboss film is headed our way. Out this fall, Werner Herzog's Queen of the Desert is a bio-pic telling the story of British writer, explorer, and attache Gertrude Bell, who was instrumental in mapping out Iraq and Jordan in the early 1900s. Nicole Kidman plays the inspiring figure, with James Franco, Damien Lewis, and Robert Pattinson in supporting roles. Pattinson's role in particular is a bit of left field. Clad in traditional Arab dress, the British actor plays T.E. Lawrence, a.k.a. "Lawrence of Arabia." Pattinson is nearly unrecognizable as he roams through the desert scenery, chatting with the intrepid Kidman/Bell and providing a touch of historical eye candy. Forgive us, Peter O'Toole. This could be just the sort of role to show off Pattinson's dramatic range. Kidman's work seems to be gunning for a Best Actress Oscar nomination, but perhaps there's a shot at R-Pattz getting a Supporting Actor nod, too? Watch the film's trailer below.
OPENER IMAGE: Gregory Pace/BeImages.

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