The KKK Is Trying To Adopt A Highway

Photo: Novastock / Stock Connection/REX USA.
A Georgia appeals court is set to rule on whether or not the State of Georgia must allow the Ku Klux Klan to adopt a highway as part of its cleanup program. Arguments were heard Friday, but a ruling has not yet been issued, Yahoo! reports. The white supremacist hate-group sued Georgia in 2012, arguing that the state's refusal to let them join the adopt-a-highway program violated the KKK's right to free speech. The court ruled in favor of the KKK, and Georgia is now appealing that verdict. Brittany Bolton, an attorney for the state, argued that highway signs bearing the logos of groups adopting that particular stretch of highway, fall under "government speech" and are therefore not protected by the First Amendment. Another argument is that posting the KKK's logo and name, which is linked to a long history of hate crimes and racist beliefs, would cause civil unrest. There is a precedent, however. Missouri also battled the KKK in its fight to join that's state's highway adoption program. The KKK was successful in arguing that the ban violated its constitutional rights. Ultimately, though, the group was kicked out anyway in April, because it failed to uphold its responsibility of actually keeping the highway clean and free from litter, which is the whole point of the program.

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