If you thought last week's Cara Delevingne Good Day Sacramento debacle would encourage celebrity interviewers to step up their game, you sadly thought wrong.
Last Thursday, Fantastic Four stars Kate Mara, Michael B. Jordan, and Jamie Bell stopped by Atlanta's Rock 100.5 Mornings to promote their new film. For those who haven't seen the film's trailer, Jordan and Mara play brother-and-sister superheroes Johnny and Sue Storm, Yes, they are different races. Yes, a simple Google search would turn up articles about Sue not being an actual blood relation in the film, or clips of Jordan trying to steer interviews away from this race issue.
100.5's DJs didn't get the memo, and once again focused on how Jordan and Mara could possibly be playing brother and sister.
"You're white and you're black," one DJ asked. "How does that happen?"
Following explanations from the cast, the DJs moved on, but only to express how upset they were that the "way, way hot" Mara had cut her "beautiful" hair. One then proceeded to compliment her toes, saying they were "fine."
Mara's response to the creepy, sexist line of questioning? Jokingly referring to it as a "great interview." Bell, meanwhile, came to her defense, adding that he too had recently cut his hair for a film.
Guys, it's simple. Use Google. Have a shred of sensitivity. Don't make actresses feel like a piece of meat.