Taylor Swift’s “Bad Blood” Is Now A Period Anthem

When your song is called "Bad Blood," it's pretty much begging for a period parody. Well, Taylor Swift's latest hit finally got one. It's not the ode to menstruation that you would think, though. British comedians Cariad Lloyd and Jenny Bede created their version of Swift's anthem to advocate for a cause. According to The Telegraph, they're part of the growing number of British women lending their voices to protest the 5% tax on sanitary products. Lloyd and Bede cleverly changed the words to Swift's "Bad Blood" to beseech Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne to remove the luxury VAT placed on tampons and other sanitary products in the U.K. They also created new characters such as "Madame Ovary, "Oestro Jen," and "Heavy Flo" to replace ones played by Cara Delevingne, Zendaya, and friends in the original version. Lloyd and Bede make their point through lyrics like, "It’s so sad to think you make us pay until we die, so ladies now for your bad blood, why not try using a dishcloth?" Topical and clever. Now, how about getting rid of that tampon tax, George Osborne? Because you wouldn't like Madame Ovary when she's angry. (The Telegraph)

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