Donald Trump took a break Monday night from insulting immigrants and his fellow Republican presidential candidates to go on a
Twitter tirade against Fox News’ Megyn Kelly. While the rest of the world had hoped that the anti-Kelly rage would have died down by now, almost three weeks after the
GOP debate, it evidently hasn't. The ongoing backlash against Kelly's direct questioning of Trump proves that — sadly — the quickest way for a woman to be dismissed as angry or irrational or unprofessional is still to challenge a man.
On Monday, Kelly returned to hosting her show on Fox,
The Kelly File, after a vacation. Trump greeted her return by retweeting a follower who called Kelly a "bimbo" as well as one who insulted her looks. It was a seamless continuation of the attacks he started immediately after the August 6 Republican debate, when Kelly challenged Trump on past sexism. Since the debate, Trump memorably said Kelly asked about him past sexist comments because she had blood coming out of “her eyes, blood coming out of her…wherever," and suggested her vacation was really an unplanned leave she was forced to go on for daring to attack him, the GOP frontrunner.