Flight Club: Connie’s Second Minnesota Wedding Of The Summer

There's a certain time in a young person's life when the four normal seasons become three: Bachelorette Party Season, Wedding Season, and Winter. All your vacation time and extra funds go toward your friends' nuptials — and while the grind is real, it's also really, really fun. Fashion features director Connie Wang may have spent her summer Wedding Season attending five ceremonies (seriously), but the latest one was a perfect example of why she doesn't mind.
Where are you coming back from?
"I just spent a long weekend in my hometown in Minnesota, where I was at a good friend's wedding — in fact, it was the second wedding in Minnesota from my friend group this summer, and I still have one more October. We're all from the same tight-knit group of friends from high school — the nerdy crew who hung out in the hallway outside of the AP European History classroom and started our school's first Board Game Club. Cool, we were not, but I love the fact that we've stayed in close contact. Even though we're now scattered across the United States, whenever we all get back together, it's like no time has passed. "That's sort of like how the Minneapolis airport is, too. I always, always bump into someone I know while I'm there. During this trip, it was a fellow server from Pei Wei Asian Diner who I haven't seen in a decade, but we recognized each other instantly. Omar — hi!"

What’s something that happened that you will never forget?
"I think wedding dance floors are my favorite place to dance. You're surrounded by your buds, encouraged to be goofy, and every single person knows the words to every single song. What's not to love? Towards the end of the evening, when I was starting to feel, well...confident, the Backstreet Boys' "I Want It That Way" came on and I'm pretty sure I blacked out from joy. My friends and I were all swaying back and forth, scream-singing along at the top of our lungs. Never mind the fact that the DJ was maybe 18, and didn't know the song (seriously, youth, come on!), but it was one of the purest moments of happiness I've had in a while. Can't wait to relive it next month!" What’s something that happened that you want to forget, ASAP?
"The day before I left, I went walking with my parents at the community center track in a neighboring city. For some reason, I got this insane allergic reaction to something, and it made the entire right side of my face swell up. Actually, even after a round of antihistamines and eight hours of sleep, my eye is still swollen shut. I'm treating myself to a McDonald's hash brown as consolation."
Tell me about what’s in your carry-on?
"I only brought a carry-on, since my trip was so quick. I have my laptop (I covered the glowing Apple with a Yayoi Kusama pumpkin I got when I was in Milan at 10 Corso Como and felt like I couldn't leave without buying anything — and it was the cheapest thing by like $1,500). I also carry around a pill case of emergency allergy medication (see: above anecdote about having mysterious allergies to everything), and moisturizing ointment. Currently, I'm on a Lucas' Pawpaw trip, but I'm a fan of any drugstore brands, like Aquaphor and Egyptian Magic. The NARS mascara was a freebie, but it's kind of mesmerizing how it builds on top of itself. It's sort of hypnotic and I find myself brushing on mascara for like 30 seconds because it's so soothing. Whoops. "The book is called You Too Can Have A Body Like Mine. My friend Alexandra Kleeman wrote it. I have such a crazy level of admiration for her and this book is both incredibly entertaining and incredibly smart (not to mention good for the world, too)." What's your favorite outfit in your suitcase and where are you wearing it?
"My favorite outfit was probably the Carven dress I wore to the wedding, considering I literally only brought that dress in my suitcase. I'm incredibly lazy about clothes when I travel, and I end up wearing just a couple outfits the entire time. Since this was such a short trip, I wore my plane outfit the entire time. Is that bad?"
What are you wearing right now?
"My plane outfit consists of my favorite striped shirt. It is super comfortable, it never wrinkles, and is quirky-weird, but also sort of business-y. I'm testing out a pair of Abercrombie & Fitch jeans (early thoughts: not bad!), and my go-to Birkenstocks. This Sacai for Nike hoodie has become my travel buddy. The hood is perfect, the flounce is perfect, and the charcoal gray is perfect. I'm such a fan." What are you doing in your seat right now?
"I like to purposefully not buy in-flight Wi-Fi, so I can force myself to work on essays and articles that take a lot of brain juice (and little distraction) to do. There's something about being in a plane that makes everything feel more heightened and I sometimes will write these intense manifestos that I'll read later and everything sounds like a middle school diary entry." What souvenir are you looking to bring home?
"I stopped by this consignment store in Minneapolis called GH2 and I got this Steven Alan shirt for $30. It's got the most wonderful, blouse-y cut to it. It's literally like a deflated ball with a collar, made of poplin." What’s your best packing secret — and are you willing to share it?
"Don't forget your essentials, but don't bring more than a couple of outfits. If you're really desperate, that's always an excluse to go shopping for new stuff."