This Moving Makeup Tutorial Has A Powerful Message

We don't typically expect our makeup tutorials to come with a reality check, but the latest video from user Reshma gives us exactly that. Reshma, whose brother-in-law allegedly poured concentrated acid on her face in 2004, is using the platform to spread awareness about such attacks in India. The video starts like any other tutorial — with Reshma explaining the easiest way to apply eyeliner. Then, things get real. "You'll get an eyeliner anywhere for 100 rupees," Reshma says. "But do you know that you can get concentrated acid for just 30 rupees?" For anyone not up-to-date on their conversion rates, one rupee is the equivalent to one cent in U.S. currency — which means you can get concentrated acid for just 45 cents in India — far less than the $1.50 an eyeliner would cost. Reshma's video is a call to action. She urges viewers to sign her Make Love Not Scars petition, which she hopes will help ban the sale of over-the-counter acid. Stories like Reshma's aren't that uncommon in India, where there are as many as 1,000 acid attacks per year — most of them directed toward women. Reshma's choice to use YouTube as a platform is incredibly brave and admirable. Makeup is a beautiful form of expression, but it's even more powerful when paired with a moving message. Watch the video above, and sign the petition here.

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