Grab Your Broomsticks — There’s A Harry Potter Bar Called The Lockhart

Photo: Warner Bros/Photofest NYC.
We're not afraid to admit that one of our dreams in life is to order a Butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks — which inevitably made it all the more devastating when our letter from Hogwarts never came. If, like us, you're a Harry Potter obsessive, you'll want to head to the latest haven for fans — The Lockhart, an HP-themed bar that recently opened in Toronto. (Yes, it's just a little out of our way, but we'd totally travel in the name of magic. Isn't that why Harry Potter World exists?!) The bar was created for Wizarding World enthusiasts, but not exclusively so. "Without knowing any of the Harry Potter stuff, you already will think of this as a cool bar. You'd come here and see the stag's head on the wall and go, 'Wow, I love that,' but a Harry Potter fan might say, 'That's a Patronus,'" co-owner Paris Xerx told Now Toronto. Although The Lockhart isn't necessarily obvious about its theme, there are still some well-thought-our dedicated cocktails to try. For example, you could order Ludo's Debt, the Shacklebolt, or the Befuddlement Draft.

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