A Tokyo Lounge Is Offering All-You-Can-Apply Chanel Makeup

Photographed by Alexandra Gavillet.
Imagine if you could try out all the Chanel makeup your heart desires for less than $3. Well, this beauty fantasy can be your reality — you just have to find your way to Tokyo. The Japanese-language blog RocketNews24 reports that a new lounge is offering a chance to partake in all-you-can-apply Chanel makeup for just 300 yen (or $2.50) an hour. Located in the bustling Shinjuku neighborhood, the beauty buffet — which seems to be a women's lounge, with no word on whether it's available to men — not only offers endless makeup, but foot-massage machines, computers and printers, weird beauty gadgets to test out, and a miso soup dispenser (which, the reporter states, was "quite aromatic" but average taste-wise). While the exact number or types of products available to try is unclear, from the snapshots, it appears that eyeshadow palettes, foundation, and several lipstick options are on the menu. The idea of sharing your makeup with strangers may send shudders down your spine, and rightly so. RocketNews24 reports that "various brushes, pads, and other tools necessary to actually apply the makeup appear to be sold separately." So you can exhale — slightly — but the germophobe in you should still be wary. Unless the employees switch out the products after every use, you're most likely applying used makeup. That being said, we can understand why people may want to stop by the lounge for a touch-up or before a fancy night out. Tokyo is a beauty mecca that harbors some of the finest (and most futuristic) finds, and due to the high demand for hair, skin, and makeup products, they don't always come cheap — making the lounge perfect for those looking to give their credit cards a break. So if you find yourself strolling around downtown Tokyo with some downtime, you can always skip the internet café and pop in for some primping. Just be cautious in the hygiene department.

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