Elton John Gets Last Laugh After Being Tricked By Putin Prank Call

Photo: Samir Hussein/WireImage.
Call it the celebrity version of the grandparent scam: A prankster called up Elton John and the singer fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Except it wasn't just any old call — he thought it was from Vladimir Putin himself. (And he even took the embarrassing extra step of Instagramming about the faux chat. Yikes.) But when John's phone rang on Thursday, it really was the Russian president, CNN says. In case you're not up to speed, allow us to give you a refresher: A couple weeks ago, John told the BBC that he wished to speak with Putin about gay rights. Then, lo and behold, he thought he got a call from him — except it was later revealed that it wasn't actually the Kremlin on the line. It was a Russian TV personality. But now that Putin and John have had a real conversation, John is getting what he wished for in the first place. Putin has agreed to meet with him to discuss gay rights if their schedules allow it, according to Putin's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov. Look who's laughing now, pranksters.

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