Anytime something happens to disrupt our morning routine, we tend to freak out a little. (Okay, a lot.) So naturally, when we heard that Dunkin' Donuts would be closing 100 stores, we were obviously concerned about future coffee emergencies.
However, the news actually isn't nearly as bad as it sounds. The doomed locations are Dunkin' kiosks that operate within Speedway gas station and convenience stores, Fortune reports. If that's where you typically get your morning cup of Joe, then we feel for you. But, Dunkin' even said the closings may create opportunities to open full-scale locations in the same areas. Plus, the chain is still operating according to its 2015 plan to open approximately 400 new outposts across the country, according to the Forbes report.
So, in the end, it looks like our morning coffee runs are still safe for the most part. But, that didn't stop the company's stocks from plummeting 10% as a result of the news. Seems like some investors need to sip a Coolatta and chill.