This Company Ships Leaves Anywhere In The Country For $19.99

Do you have family in Southern California? A best friend in Florida? A beloved in some other state that never gets to experience the glory of a New England Autumn™? Well, you're in luck — a new service has launched that ships fall foliage anywhere in the U.S., for the low, low price of $19.99. Foliage as a Service (FaaS) is the brainchild of ShipSnowYo creator Kyle Waring, a Bostonian who works in advertising by day. "All leaves are collected from New England," notes Waring on the site, "and undergo a unique preservation process...[that] enhances the foliage color contrast and also preserves the leaves for years to come!"
Each bundle of three leaves is "color balanced" to perfection by FaaS' "foliage experts." (Yes, really.) Orders can be delivered with a handwritten note to add that extra special something to your seasonal memento mori. Granted, it's cheaper than a plane ticket to quench fall cravings, but the service may seem silly to some. Tell us what you think in the comments!

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