It Has Begun: Netflix Increases Its Membership Fee By One Dollar

Illustrated by Anna Sudit.
As we foretold this past summer, the end is nigh. Netflix said it would eventually increase its prices, and the first sign of that change arrived today: The site's membership activation fee will now cost $1 — a full 100 pennies — more than before. This move has just about tipped the price of the subscription into the double digits, from $8.99 to $9.99. This hike is intended to help fund the company's efforts to expand its streaming options and original content. Netflix will reportedly put $5 billion toward this cause in 2016 alone. If you're already a member, you can rest easy for another year, at which time your monthly fees will increase as well. (TechCrunch reports that Netflix decided to do this as a "thank you" to current subscribers. Thank you, holy streaming gods. Praise hands. Blessed be.) We have yet to hear just how much membership rates will rise over the next few years, but until then, you can find us rolling quarters with Gilmore Girls on continuous play.

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