You’ll Never Guess When The Rainbow Hair Trend Actually Started


HAIR EXTENSIONS: CIRCA 1955Lost Footage of the Birth of Tape-Ins!Prior to the technology that made hair extensions more feasible in the later part of the 20th century, your primary choices for add on hair came only in the form of wigs or clip-ins. We’re betting you didn’t know that the grandfather of modern tape-ins was born on the head of actor Gregory Peck (aka Anthony Keane in Hitchcock’s, “The Paradine Case”)!In 1950 Warner Brothers began filming their epic, “Moby Dick” in Wales and had chosen a young Gregory Peck for the role of Captain Ahab. To age him, they contacted a firm of wig specialists in London to create removable grey streaks that could be added and removed from his hair daily. They created “hair flashes” that could be easily added to Peck’s hair with spirit gum. During the filming, one of Peck’s female assistants borrowed one of his flashes for a dance and it caused a sensation. By the end of 1955 salons in the UK and America were getting calls by the dozens from women wanting the “new Vogue”Seen here in this lost footage, hair stylist Bertram Goodwin is riding the trend by showcasing his latest in salon service on South American actress Alicia Lotti. Watch as he selects different colors to complement her dress and then applies them with spirit gum to her hairline…and then thank your lucky stars that we had adhesive now for something that blends in a little more naturally.

Posted by Hair's the Bling on Monday, 5 October 2015
Hair extensions, weaves, and wigs have been around since the beginning of time — or, at least, since the days of Ancient Egyptians. Nowadays, it seems like everyone has experimented with synthetic hair, whether lace fronts, sew-ins, or braids, at some point or another. And lately, the same goes for rainbow colors. But it turns out the '90s wasn't the first decade when people started experimenting with new shades. Recently unearthed footage shows that women were adding brightly colored extensions to their hair in 1955. "The days when gentlemen preferred either blondes, brunettes, or redheads may have gone forever," says the video's narrator. "For now, a new vogue, chameleon streaks, enables a girl to match the color of her hair to every occasion... The fashion began by accident when a firm of London wig specialists made white streaks for Gregory Peck in Moby Dick. A girl assistant borrowed one of the flashes to wear to a dance. Afterwards, the firm took the hint by dyeing flashes in a variety of colors." Hairstylist Bertram Goodwin demonstrates how to get the look on South American actress Alicia Lotti by adhering the colored hair with "spirit gum" to her hairline, then teasing and securing with a comb. While 1955 doesn't necessarily mark the "birth" of this lace-front style, it's fascinating to witness just how far they've come since. Extensions allowed almost anyone the ability to have long, luxurious, and/or colored hair back then and still do today. As the video voice-over states, "The colors are great for a girl of changing moods," or how we look at, just someone who likes to have a little fun without the commitment. Thankfully though, the 'dos have developed past spirit glue and hairline application to an easier and more natural look.

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