A GOP Candidate Posted Super Offensive Tweets, But It Wasn’t Trump

Photo: Chris Carlson/ AP Photo.
Donald Trump made a big deal about his plans to live-tweet tonight's Democratic debate. And then, surprisingly for those of us who are used to his feed's endless insults, he was pretty mild. He spent a lot of time retweeting supporters about how boring it all was and popped off a few uninspired burns. But, fear not. Another Republican candidate, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, stepped in and took his place — insulting everyone and everything he could think of. Huckabee began hating on the debate before it started. His number one target: Hillary Clinton, who he pegged as a flip-flopper (it's a common criticism, and one she opened the debate by addressing). But his real dig came later, when his tweets went from a little rude to racist.
Translated, Huckabee may be trying to say that he doesn't support Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders' progressive tax policies, while also expressing his love his dog, Jet, who reportedly died in 2013. (But, in real words, it's more a pretty offensive and outdated stereotype about Asians.) After that, Huckabee just went a little off the rails — reaching so hard for shock value, he sometimes didn't even make that much sense.
This is the same guy who, in the last Republican debate, ruined a possibly sweet comment about putting his wife on the $10 bill by adding that he'd only do it so she could "spend her own money."

On the flip side, Huckabee's currently polling at around 3% — so who knows if he'll even be around to troll the next debate.

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