Jessica Chastain On The Hollywood Pay Gap: Says Her Earnings For The Martian Were Even Less Than Reported

Gregory Pace/BEImages
Well, it's safe to say that Jennifer Lawrence has opened up a much-needed dialogue surrounding the gender pay gap going on in Hollywood. Case in point: Oscar-nominated actress Jessica Chastain is the latest A-lister to speak up about the egregious inequality. The Crimson Peak star chatted with HuffPostLive when the subject of the wage gap came up. Chastain said: It’s wonderful that people are starting to talk about the wage gap, and’s an issue. Women can talk about it, [but] it actually moves me a lot to hear men talk about it as well. I think the film industry is an incredible group of people, and we’ve realized that there’s a huge problem in that we need more diversity. We’re not telling the stories of many; we’re telling the stories of few. The actress also noted that the wage gap isn't just in front of the camera; it's "behind the camera, across the board... And so, the more that we all discuss it as a community, that’s what I think is going to help." One thing that's probably not helping the Hollywood wage gap is misinformation about how little actresses are actually getting paid for certain projects. Chastain shared that someone wrote she made a certain amount of money for the hit film The Martian, when in reality "I made less than a quarter of that." So, not only are women getting paid less than their male counterparts; it's made to look like they're still making a good amount (by Hollywood standards, anyway) that they're not getting. Here's to hoping strong, powerful, talented women like Chastain and Lawrence continue to call out the BS until something major shifts.

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