Have you ever wished that Instagram and its retro filters could actually bring you back to the '90s? Thanks to “It Came From the VCR,” from Instagram user VHSDude, now it comes pretty close.
The clips that VHSDude features aren’t the first ones you would think of. They’re not from the Lion King, Clueless, or even Titanic. These are the clips that you get when you’re browsing the bargain bins of your local thrift stop — you know, for the cassettes that even the clerk just waves at you to take.
VHSDude — whoever he or she may be — clearly has an eye for the strange borne of countless hours scouring garage sales and rifling through family collections of taped TV specials that might have seemed forgettable even back then. But chopped up and served a la carte, they’re a welcome break from sitting at your desk, riding the subway, or even trying to ignore the third stupidest thing your Tinder date just said.
This self-proclaimed "VCRchaeologist" is an expert at mixing timeless classics with weirdo clips that give us a glimpse into just how demented a decade the '90s truly were. See for yourself.
Here's Cher saying “I’m good at my body,”
Walt Disney’s Home Video intro logo.
George Clooney watching a very bizarre fight...
Richard Simmons being Richard Simmons.
And, of course, Jazzercise.