This Map Shows You The Best Sandwich In Your State

I don’t know about you, but my Instagram is blowing up with all things sandwich. And that’s because, in case you didn’t already know, today is National Sandwich Day. While most food holidays are totally silly, I think this is one that we can all get behind — because, really, who doesn’t love a good sammie? In fact, it turns out we adore sandwiches so much that every single state across the U.S. has its own signature version. Business Insider proves this with its tasty roundup graphic, showing the best sub/baguette/hero/what-have-you from each state ("be it beloved local delicacy or part of the state’s history," adds the magazine).
Some of the sandwiches are classics that we’ve all probably stuffed into our mouths with delight at some point. Cheers to Montana and Virginia for keeping it classic with a huckleberry-jam PB&J and grilled cheese and ham, respectively. Other "bests" may raise some eyebrows. Yes, you, Connecticut, with your "hamburger on white toast with no condiments" — can that really be good? And I’m both surprised and not surprised that Idaho’s top sandwich is potato salad on toasted bread. There are some sammies on here that I’ve never even heard (or dared to dream) of before, like the Horseshoe (an open-faced sandwich top with fries and a “secret sauce”) and the meat- and cabbage-filled Runza bread pockets. I’ll definitely be adding this graphic to my "bucket list" board on Pinterest. How many of these have you tried?

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