Can You Spot What’s Wrong With Ben Carson’s Map?

There is something not quite right about this map of the United States of America. You may have seen it floating around since it was posted by Ben Carson's Twitter account on Tuesday night. How good is your geography? Now take a look at this second map, posted by the Republican presidential candidate's account on Wednesday. Can you spot the difference?
If you noticed an unusual new state line between Connecticut and Vermont, congratulations! It could be an honest design error by an overworked campaign staffer. It's also not a great sign that a person vying to be leader of a global superpower employs people who don't know what New England looks like — especially when New Hampshire is one of the first primaries of the 2016 season.
It's also hard to take an argument against allowing more Syrian refugees into the U.S. seriously when the people making it don't know the basic outlines of America's borders.

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