All that glitters is not gold, but sometimes things that glitter are worth more than their weight in gold. One example: glitter beards.
Glitter beards are perhaps not a new phenomenon, but they have been gaining traction as the holiday season approaches like a lumbering bear.
The glitter beard is a great phenomenon. It combines two amazing things — glitter and beards — into one shiny package.
The only downside we can see is if you’re sneaking in a kiss with a glitter bearder, you will likely not be able to hide that afterward. Due to having glitter all over your face. Unless you are, like, super trendy and claim that you have just invented a new thing called “Glitter Lower Face And Neck And Umm Top, Also.”
That probably will not work, but people might find your boldness inspiring. Inspiring in the same way that we find glitter beards inspiring.
The Gay Beards YouTube video features a demonstration.
Glitter beards are also a great trendy way to mop up a potential glitter bomb. For example: If someone mails you a glitter bomb, have someone with a beard wipe it up. They will then have a glitter beard.
Also, fun “behind the scenes” fact: I keep accidentally typing “glitter bears.” Maybe a new trend will be to cover a bear in glitter?
Note: Do not cover a bear in glitter, for both the bear’s sake and your own.