How To Turn Twitter’s Like Button Into Any Emoji

We've got some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that your Twitter favorites are now Twitter likes and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. The good news is that you can at least do something about those hearts. Take that, internet. If you're really not feeling the heart emoji that pops up when you favorite like something on the social media site, take, um, heart. Thanks to genius Twitter techie/theoretical physicist Robert McNees, we've landed on a nifty hack that will replace the heart with your emoji of choice. All it requires is the Stylish browser extension, which lets you swap something else out for the "Heart Animation Container." So far, a glass of beer is a popular choice, but you do you. Here's McNees' coding explanation. Click through to enlarge.
A raising of our beer emoji to McKees. Thanks, man. (Gizmodo) OPENER IMAGE: Joe Pepler/REX Shutterstock.

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