Can You Find The Cat In This Infuriating Brain Teaser?

This story was originally published on December 23, 2015.
If you’re looking for a way to avoid your family, here’s a brain teaser that will allow you to stare at your smartphone for a few hours.

, a Hungarian artist, has posted a sequel to his wildly popular "find the panda" picture that infuriated the internet. In this one, he challenges readers to see if they can spot a cat hiding in a field of owls.
We won’t spoil it, but when you see it you’ll whack yourself on the head. Some say that they don’t think there’s any difference at all. Having found it, we can assure you that there definitely is.
Alternatively, if you're more into annoying your family members rather than avoiding them, you can show them this. Then you can watch them pull their hair out while you go do something more fun. We suggest watching these puppies re-enact Point Break.

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