Sarah Silverman’s Joke About A “Gender-Fluid” Jesus Did NOT Go Over Well

Brace yourself for a tough crowd if you're going to make a joke about Jesus on Christmas Day. As it happens, however, comedian Sarah Silverman is no stranger to tough crowds and controversy. Silverman ruffled feathers when she tweeted a holiday message about Jesus being "gender-fluid." Read it and weep, folks.
The tweet was typical Silverman, no-holds-barred fare, and it currently has nearly 2,800 favorites. Those endorsements probably aren't coming from the conservative Christian community, however. Many self-identifying Christians have taken offense and are lashing out at Silverman on social media.
Then there's this rather un-Christian-like tirade. Note: We're pretty sure this guy is referencing a sex toy, not a certain British singer.
Actor Dax Shepard couldn't resist responding to that one.
Silverman did end up retweeting a message from Pope Francis, so maybe amends have been made? Or is she just saving her new material for Easter?

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