Justin Bieber Posts Another Selena Gomez Throwback Pic

Okay, now seriously, Justin. What does it mean? For the second time in a week, Justin Bieber has shared a throwback couple photo of him and ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez on Instagram. The easy explanation is that he's simply been in the mood to post old photos. He also spent a large chunk of his life with Gomez, so she's bound to pop up in a snapshot or two. The more complicated explanation is that the Biebs is obviously still seriously feeling the SG love. After all, both pop stars have discussed their relationship at length in recent interviews. Bieber has made it known that he still has feelings, even if, especially if, his pop star ex is caught up in rumors that she's seeing One Direction's Niall Horan. It'd be just like the Biebs to stake a sort of virtual claim. At any rate, here's the photo in question.

Crazy throwback

A photo posted by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on

As expected, fans are freaking out about the photo. Some want Jelena to reunite. Some want Bieber to stop torturing himself. Some really don't want them back together. And what of Gomez herself? Her recent Instagrams are about her performance in tomorrow's Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. Girl's too focused on work to reminisce, apparently. Sorry, Biebs.
OPENER IMAGE: Peter Brooker/REX Shutterstock.

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