Natasha Quarmby/REX Shutterstock
Anonymous seems to be on the side of the angels more often than not of late. Following Donald Trump’s anti-Muslim hate speech, the hacktivist organization announced that it would target the reality TV star/demagogue/Republican presidential candidate. The group’s initial attack, as reported by the International Business Times, was a distributed-denial-of-service attack (DDoS) on The site was down for a few hours today, although it seems to just be the first in a series of attempts targeted at Trump. The group posted a video announcing their intentions, writing, “It has come to our attention that you want to ban all muslims to enter the United States. This policy is going to have a huge impact. This is what ISIS wants.”
Though a DDoS attack is the lowest rung on the cyberattack ladder, this is probably just a sign of things to come. In addition to their operation against Trump, Anonymous has also declared December 11 “ISIS Trolling Day." Which means we can expect them, and more news, soon.

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