Quidditch Pong Is The Drinking Game You Need

Harry Potter fans wishing they could play Quidditch at home no longer have to wistfully dream of flying broomsticks. Thanks to the inventors of Unofficial Quidditch Pong, all you need are some frat-party essentials: Solo cups and beer. Preferably, butter beer. An Unofficial Quidditch Pong set includes three Quidditch hoops, two beater bats, and a Golden Snitch ball, which is a classy upgrade from the standard ping-pong ball. Rather than generic teams, the competing groups of three are sorted into Hogwarts houses, and members of each team designate a Seeker and a Beater. Tipsy wizards then battle it out to see who can sink the Golden Snitch in opponents' cups. Or for a shortcut to victory, the Seeker can shoot for the Snitch Cup, a crucial Quidditch addition to standard beer pong that's situated a challenging distance away from the other cups. A Snitch Cup hole-in-one also wins the game. And unlike non-wizarding beer pong, Unofficial Quidditch Pong requires tossing the ball through one of the three Quidditch hoops while dodging the shot-blocking Beater as well as "spells" cast by the opposing Hogwarts house. Slytherins, for instance, can declare crucio, forcing opponents to make trick shots for a round, and Hufflepuffs' room of requirement power allows them to re-throw missed shots. For even more Harry Potter fun, the game masters have created an extensive spellbook of additional boozy hexes. Unfortunately, the Unofficial Quidditch Pong sets are currently sold out. In the meantime, Muggles looking for a good time can still perfect their Golden Snitch aim the old-school way.

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