This Is What You Need For Your Next Cocktail Party

Photo: Courtesy Bernooli.
For many of us, at home drink making is often limited to a glass of whiskey or a simple margarita. If we want something much more complicated than that, it’s time to head to the bar. But a new company called Bernooli wants to take the stress and complication out of at-home cocktail making. Bernooli uses spouts that attach to your liquor bottles, and an app that connects with them over Bluetooth. You tell the app what liquor you have on hand, and it serves up a variety of recipes you can make with those ingredients. Then you select a recipe, and the smart spouts light up to let you know which ones you need for that specific cocktail. As you pour, the spout stops automatically when you've poured the correct amount of each liquid. It’s a neat idea, especially if you fancy yourself a home entertainer, but haven’t been quite able to move past serving beer and wine at parties. While you still have to pour the liquor and mixers, Bernooli handles the measuring and guesswork — you don’t need to know the recipe at all. You can channel your inner Tom Cruise without fear of your friends politely pouring your mangled Sazerac down the drain. And since the spouts just attach to the bottles you already have in your liquor cabinet, it doesn't take up any extra countertop space, which is great because we have none to spare. For $99, you get two spouts and a shaker; for $189 you get four spouts, a shaker, a muddler, and a spoon; and if you really want to turn your home into a cocktail bar, $349 will get you eight total spouts and everything in the $180 package, as well as an ice bucket and tongs. All the items match in a modern, brushed metal finish. Bernooli is available for pre-order now, but it won't ship until late 2016. Is it too early to get excited about next year's holiday party season?

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