Coffee Flour Is Paving The Way For Caffeinated Muffins

Photo: David Muscroft/REX Shutterstock.
We've already established that there's no good reason to stop drinking coffee. But is it time to up the ante by getting in on some coffee flour action?

Eater reports
that Dr. Daniel Perlman of Brandeis University has invented and patented a coffee flour, milled from par-baked green coffee beans. Intriguingly, the coffee flour can be used to make baked goods — with a twist. These muffins come caffeinated. "This flour contains 2.5% caffeine by weight, so if you were to put 4 grams of this into, say, a breakfast muffin, it would be the equivalent of drinking a cup of coffee," Perlman told Eater. That may sound like a large dose of caffeine, especially if you like an actual cup of joe with your morning muffin, but Perlman explained that items made with coffee flour don't have the sort of jittery, instant jolt you might expect from an energy drink or shot of espresso. "Unlike some bars that are loaded with chemically purified or synthesized caffeine, this is natural food source caffeine," he said. "I would expect it to be absorbed a little more gradually than the caffeine in a cup of coffee, so [it would offer] a more sustained release and longer-term stimulation than you get when you drink a cup or two of coffee." What's more, it may actually be good for you. These beans retain chlorogenic acid (CGA), an antioxidant that is often lost in standard coffee roasting.

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