The Internet’s Boyfriend, Oscar Isaac, Won A Golden Globe & People Responded Very Inappropriately

Photo: Buckner/Variety/REX Shutterstock.
In case you haven't heard, the internet has a new boyfriend. His name is Oscar Isaac. Some of us have been into him for ages. We saw him crooning to Kate Mara in 10 Years. For others, it's more of a newfound love. Some people caught on after seeing him dance in Ex Machina (spoiler alert: even though his character was a megalomaniacal inventor who wound up murdered by his own creations). Others fell head over heels even more recently, when Isaac played the best damn pilot in the galaxy, Poe Dameron, in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. It doesn't really matter where or when you acquired your love for Oscar Isaac. What matters is that you now possess it and you need to keep it safe and warm. You and many, many others root for Isaac in all his current and future endeavors. He's a great actor, after all, even if he'll never be our real boyfriend. Oh, that last part? It was sadly confirmed at tonight's Golden Globes when the notoriously private actor showed up with his possible girlfriend Elvira Lind. An awards show red carpet debut? That's about as official as you can get in terms of confirming your coupledom. Devastation about his relationship status aside, this is a celebration of Oscar Isaac, because our collective boyfriend is a brand-spanking-new Golden Globe winner! That's right, our man picked up the Golden Globe for Best Performance by an Actor in a Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television for his role in Show Me a Hero. In his acceptance speech, Isaac was a paradigm of class and humility. This continued backstage in the press room. When a reporter asked Isaac, who is Latino, about the lack of diversity in Hollywood, and if Isaac's continued success is a sign that it's "not happening anymore." Isaac responded, "It's still happening. There's not a lot of us, and it's difficult for people that look not like the status quo in this country to get great roles. It's happening a little bit more, and I feel humbled and honored and blessed to have the opportunity to do that, and hopefully that'll happen more — that the people that cast films and TV shows will see past their limited ideas of what ethnicity is." What a guy. Anyway, while Oscar Isaac was being his debonair self onstage and in the press room, his internet fans were being MUCH less chill about the whole situation. They were all very excited about their boyfriend's first official piece of award-show hardware, and they took to Twitter and Tumblr in droves to express their feelings.
See? We told you things got a little inappropriate. When it comes to Oscar Isaac, though, people like to dream. Sometimes, those dreams even involve other internet boyfriends.
Mmmmm, yes...let's all drift off in a simultanous happy cloud of being in that room.
Ed. note: This post was updated to correct the name of Oscar Isaac's Golden Globes date. He brought Elvira Lind, not Maria Miranda, to the awards show.

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