“I hope I don’t get this on my white couch,” says Kourtney Kardashian. Don't worry. She's taking the risk for a very good reason. Yesterday, the reality star released a video via her app in which she revealed to the world how she eats a Kit Kat.
And no, we don’t mean a whole bar. We mean one single Kit Kat stick.
According to Kardashian, the method is, "pretty life-changing." But, in our humble opinion, she is simply showing us the SLOWEST way to eat a Kit Kat we’ve ever seen.
Apparently Kim taught her this when she was 7 or 8 years old, and she’s been eating them this way ever since. It takes her a full six steps to get through just one Kit Kat stick. And, who knows what happened to the other three pieces. She's probably still working her way through them right now.
Watch the video above to see just how she does it. We’re pretty sure we could down a full candy bar in the time it takes her to eat a quarter of one, but maybe that's the point.