Chilling Video Shows Avalanche Swallowing French Town

An onslaught of snow clouds might sound like a beautiful winter scene to behold. But in reality, an avalanche is nothing short of terrifying, as a terrifying new video demonstrates. Frederick Douzet, a tourist from Paris, reportedly captured a video that appears to show a snow avalanche in Bessans, France, on Monday. Douzet was visiting Bessans when an avalanche unfolded, covering the area with an onslaught of snow. France's Le Dauphine notes that there were no casualties or damages reported in Monday's avalanche in the community in the Rhône-Alpes region of southeastern France. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case with another recent avalanche in France. On Wednesday, an avalanche in the French Alps hit a group of high school students who were on a ski trip. Two of the students were killed, as was a Ukrainian man. France24 notes that dozens of people die in avalanches at the country's ski resorts every winter. If you're planning a ski trip this season, make sure you check the avalanche risk levels before hitting the slopes. Watch the Bessans avalanche in the video below.

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