Are You Suffering From This Super Annoying iPhone Bug?

Photo: Courtesy Apple.
If you've noticed something fishy going on with your iPhone's battery life, it's not your eyes playing tricks on you. As you use your iPhone 6s or 6s Plus, it may not be showing you the correct battery percentage up in the corner. Well, that explains a lot. If you've manually changed the time on your phone, or switched time zones recently, your iPhone battery percentage may not update properly afterwards. (If you're thinking, "WTF," don't worry, we are too.) Apple details the issue, which should only affect the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, in a new online support document. We've actually experienced the issue ourselves. What seems to happen is the phone will say you have 50% battery left, for example. You use your phone as usual, the battery level remains around 50%, and then all of a sudden, it drops down to 25%, and then 10%. Thinking that you have more battery left than you actually do, you may use your phone differently than if you knew you were veering into low battery levels. For some, this issue first began cropping up after the phones' release in September.

To fix the problem
, Apple recommends you reboot your phone and then head to Settings, General, and check that date and time are set to update automatically. The company will likely push out a software fix for the battery display bug in one of the next iOS updates. Hopefully it comes sooner than later, because right now, our faith in our phones' battery life has just been shattered.

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