These New Game Of Thrones Trailers Got Us Hype

Winter is coming. Well, for folks in the northeast winter is rapidly and brutally announcing its arrival as the storm Jonas makes landfall. But for HBO, winter is still three months away. A set of three Game of Thrones teaser trailers just dropped and they’re a nice reminder of where we left off — and what we have to look forward to as the story continues.
The Lannister battle flag teaser reminds us that the inhabitants of King's Landing are very much still in the thrall of the faith militant. After that horrifying scene with Cersei last season, you can bet that there will be more than a little bloodshed as the city is torn between the crown and the pulpit.
Spoken in Dothraki, the Targaryen teaser is about Daenerys's tenuous place in the world. She ended the season surrounded by a khalasar of Dothraki of dubious origin. However great she did in liberating Slaver’s Bay, she’s got an uphill climb ahead of her.
And the bleakest teaser, of course, belongs to House Stark. With their children either dead or tossed to the four winds and their scions dead, Winterfell is in enemy hands. Is Jon Snow alive? (Yes, duh, come on.) Will Winterfell return to its rightful owners? How will Bran’s new look play? Questions abound.

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