Kanye West’s Twitter Meltdown Is Absolutely Mesmerizing

Twitter may facing its fair share of tumult these days, but it's still the ideal space for Kanye West to lay a smackdown for all the world to see. The rapper resurrected a beef with Wiz Khalifa today through a series of tweets that took pointed aim at the younger artist's career and personal life. It all began innocently enough: West posted a photo of what looked like scratch paper, along with plenty of Kardashian signatures and the hashtag #Waves — the bait-and-switch name of his new album, which was originally titled Swish.
Then, perhaps by chance, West noticed an earlier tweet from Wiz Khalifa that read, "Hit this kk and become yourself." Yeezy immediately assumed that Wiz was talking about Kim Kardashian and felt the need to call him out on it.
To which Wiz Khalifa responded: "KK is weed fool. Reason's why your not wavy. Go bacc to Swish." Duly noted.
That was enough to send Kanye into a tailspin. He fired off a series of escalating tweets — which have since been deleted — calling out Wiz Khalifa for everything from copycatting Kid Cudi to getting together with Amber Rose.
Also, for background: West briefly dated Amber Rose before Kim came into the picture; Rose went on to marry Khalifa, and the couple — who divorced about one year later — had one son together. So Kanye is clearly taking some seriously personal digs. But Amber decided she wasn't going to let his Twitter shaming slide and had her own theory about why he invoked her name.
So far, Kanye hasn't responded to Amber Rose. But he wasn't done calling out Wiz.
As of this afternoon, West has taken down all most incendiary tweets, and advocated for world peace and positive energy instead.
But he still managed to slip in some shade before getting back to talking about Waves — which makes sense, because he wouldn't be Kanye if he weren't shooting someone the side-eye.
As they say on the silver screens of yesteryear: Fin. (For now.)

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