Now You Can Eat Like A Hogwarts Student In Los Angeles

We, culturally, are obsessed with the possibility of becoming Harry Potter. How else to explain our examinations of Harry’s finances, his Netflix queue, or his time-telling devices? You can even sort yourself into a house. Now Los Angelenos (and LA visitors) can take their Potter obsession one step further and dine like an actual Hogwarts student. The Los Angeles chapter of Universal Studios’ Wizarding World of Harry Potter won’t be open until April 7, but this bit of food news is sure to whet the appetite of Potterheads. The Wizarding World will include replicas of both The Three Broomsticks and Hog’s Head Pub, according to Eater. Both restaurants will feature British food and American breakfast. Highlights include Butterbeer Potted Cream; Beef, Lamb, and Guinness Stew; and being able to dine in a manner befitting a wizard. Both establishments will feature Butterbeer, which is (shamefully) non-alcoholic. Our hope is that the next step is a full-on Hogwarts dining hall, but that doesn’t seem to be in the cards. It’s a testament to the power of J.K. Rowling’s writing that she can make us wish we were eating in a high school cafeteria. Oh, and there will be a Honeydukes too. Don’t you worry about that.

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