Lea Michele Spent An Entire Clippers Game Staring At Beyoncé

Image: Via of Lea Michele/Instagram.
Lea Michele and friend attend a Los Angeles Clippers game at which Beyoncu00e9 and Jay Z were also in attendance.
Picture it. You're at a Clippers game, just watching basketball. All of a sudden — out of the corner of your eye — there's a luminous couple ordering drinks courtside. Who are these majestic beings that everyone is pretending not to look at? Why do they look so very familiar and yet somehow terrifyingly intimidating? The reason you are awestruck is because the couple in question is Beyoncé and Jay Z. And by you, we actually mean Lea Michele, who morphed into a complete fangirl when she had this experience in real life recently. From the sound of things, she completely and totally geeked out. Stars: They're actually just like us. At least when it comes to running into music's preeminent power couple.

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