This Woman Took Down Body-Shamers On Twitter With The Perfect Photo Rebuttals

Fat-shaming is rampant on social media, even impacting celebrities like Kim Kardashian. After reading tweets shaming plus-size women for wearing bikinis, Sara Petty, a 20-year-old student at Bowling Green State University, decided to shut fat-shamers down, one tweet at a time. "I had seen a tweet from someone saying that 200-pound girls shouldn’t wear bikinis," Petty told the Huffington Post. "I just did some quick searches and found a bunch of similar tweets, so I decided I could do my part to chip away at body-shaming however I could." So, she compiled several cruel tweets directed toward women of size and did exactly what the tweeters told her not to: Wore whatever the hell she wants to. She donned a killer bikini, flirty crop top, daring booty shorts, and comfy black leggings, just to show trolls how idiotic their statements are. The Ohio native hopes her bold empowerment message, which has been retweeted almost 80,000 times, inspires women to stop associating their self-worth with the numbers on the scale. "I also hope that girls are able to separate who they are from the number that shows up on the scale, and realize there is no number, high or low, that dictates if you’re worthy of feeling beautiful,” she wrote to the Huffington Post. "Body-shaming will probably always be there in some way, but I hope my post helps at least some women feel beautiful in spite of it."

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