Snoop Dogg Made His Own Planet Earth & It’s Amazing

More than 75,000 people signed a petition calling for Snoop Dogg to narrate Planet Earth. And when the people speak, Snoop listens.

Merry Jane
, the cannabis-based entertainment company the rapper founded with Ted Chung, has produced Planet Snoop. We’ve embedded the first episode below, which features a squirrel fighting a snake.
It’s pretty good, and charmingly low-rent. The best part is debatably the green screen that cuts off the right half of Snoop’s face. The worst part is definitely the laugh track. If you were showing a video of a squirrel fighting a snake to a room full of extremely stoned people, fake studio laughter would freak them out. On the other hand, animals killing each other to peals of canned laughter is kind of amazing evidence that the media, is out to, like, manipulate us, man. By far the strangest part of this video is that Snoop is responding to the original narrator of the video like they're sitting in a room together. It's honestly a fascinating piece of avant-garde cinema. Also, Snoop Dogg is in it.

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