The Latest Game Of Thrones Clip Is Super NSFW

With less than two weeks until the premiere of Game of Thrones' sixth season, the show is looking for creative ways to keep its superfans entertained. Today, HBO released a 360-degree interactive version of the series' iconic intro. Now, with some clicking and dragging, you can explore Westeros. You can pretend you're a dragon, soaring over Winterfell! Or, you can confirm that the statue in Braavos does, indeed, have visible genitals. Yes, many GoT fans took this opportunity to dig deep into the map and look up the uniform of the Titan of Braavos. Commenters on the Facebook post delighted in their discovery. "Omg lmaoo do not look up when you pass under that statues legs in Braavos! Lmao.. Id post a pic but you can't in these comments," one thoughtful fan offered. "Did anyone else look up the Braavosi statue's skirt as you flew under? Just me? ok..." another wondered. She needn't have felt awkward and alone — she definitely wasn't the only one.

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