Ruby Rose Calls Out The Media For Clickbait Headlines

Photo: Getty/Jeffrey Mayer.
Earlier this week, Galore magazine released an interview with Ruby Rose. In it, the actress comments on such subjects as airport style and her relationships with her fans, among other things. Her statements were quickly picked up around the web — which is par for the course for outlets pedaling celebrity coverage. The internet is a traffic treadmill; we're all just running on it. But today, Rose responded to how some sites chose to cover the interview, specifically calling out publishers for teasing the more pliable parts of her quotes as clickbait. She screengrabbed a few of the offenders and posted her thoughts about the headlines to Instagram. "I'm a fan of all these publications and the 100s of others that have used bizarre click bait headlines and taken a really light hearted funny interview with @galore out of context," she wrote. "But I literally don't 'hate anything' 'I don't think airport fashion is trash' 'Nor do I think I turned anyone anything' I just answered the questions asked. "Just read the link from Galore I'll put in my bio," she added. "I said everything is a blessing, everything is complimentary and I don't take it seriously. Also that I found Channing Tatum really hot in magic mike but sadly I didn't turn straight. I also named basically all my friends who are perfect looking all the time and said I'm trash at the airport and they are heaven. So I don't know why people can't just use actual quotes from the article..Why make a positive article a negative jab." It's a good question without an easy answer, though the fierce competition for eyeballs online is a pretty safe bet. And as to the "turning fans gay" callout? "I think everyone is somewhere on the Kinsey scale, the Orange Is the New Black actress said. "So to make headlines (most people don't bother reading the rest ) appear like I'm shaming people about their sexuality or like I have any right to claim to know others sexuality is dangerous. I HOPE EVERYONE IS GAY THEN I CAN MEET TONNES OF GAY BABES!! Gay gay gay gay gay gay gay. Blah!" That's one way to say it.

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